RASCAL Frequently Asked Questions

RASCAL 4.3.4 can be installed on computers running the Windows 8 or later operating system. The installation process requires administrative rights on the computer. Additionally, the software will run correctly only with the Windows Regional and Language Options set to English (United States). It is strongly recommended that RASCAL 4.3.4 users download and read the “RASCAL 4.3.4 Installation Document” (PDF) prior to installing the code.
The RASCAL 4.3.4 software installation requires about 70 MB of disk space. It is strongly recommended that RASCAL 4.3.4 users download and read the “RASCAL 4.3.4 Installation Document” (PDF) prior to installing the code.
No, RASCAL 4.3.4 was developed for computers running the Windows 8.0 or later operating system and will not run on tablets or smartphones.
Yes, although RASCAL was not developed for the OS X operating system some users have run RASCAL on Macs in a Windows emulator or virtual machine. However, there is no technical RASCAL support for this type of installation.

Verify that the “RASCAL 4.3.4 Installation Document” (PDF) was followed. If the installation error still persists then:

  • RAMP Members – to submit a RASCAL help request, log in to the U.S NRC RAMP website and go to “RASCAL Request Support” navigation link.
The latest version of RASCAL is version 4.3.4 which was released by the U.S. NRC in January 2022. Individuals interested in obtaining this version of the code should check out the “Join RAMP" navigation link on the U.S. NRC RAMP website.
For US Federal, State and Local government agencies there is no fee to obtain RASCAL version 4.3.4. For all other users, the fee varies based upon their designation category, see the membership table located at the “Join RAMP" navigation link on the U.S. NRC RAMP website..
No, RASCAL 4.3.4 users are required to complete a non-disclosure agreement (NDA) for their copy of the software. The NDA states that the user agrees not to share their copy of RASCAL with any third party without obtaining prior written permission from the NRC.
No, the NDA allows for the RASCAL user to list multiple users of RASCAL code at their facility/site on the NDA.
RASCAL is the acronym for the Radiological Assessment System for Consequence AnaLysis (RASCAL) computer software. RASCAL was developed by the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) as a tool to provide for rapid dose assessment and consequence projections during radiological incidents. The RASCAL software is used for emergency response and not for emergency planning purposes.
RASCAL is typically updated every 12 to 18 months. Earlier updates would be issued if significant problems are identified in the software.
RASCAL is one of the tools used by the NRC Incident Response Program for making independent confirmatory dose and consequence projections during radiological incidents. RASCAL is also used by many Federal, State and Local government agencies as well as some NRC licensees to make protective action recommendations and decisions during radiological incidents..
No, RASCAL is used by many international government agencies and is an important computer code in the US NRC’s Radiation Protection Computer Code Analysis and Maintenance Program (RAMP).

Yes, the RASCAL forum is available on the RAMP website to all RASCAL users. However, only RAMP members can post to the forum. To access the RASCAL forum select the “RASCAL Request Support” navigation link on the U.S. NRC RAMP website, which provides access to the “RASCAL Forum". RASCAL Forum topics include:

  • General RASCAL Usage Questions
  • General Emergency Preparedness Questions
  • Code Error (Bug) Reporting
  • RASCAL Model Questions
Yes, RAMP members can get training information (including training course dates, online training modules and presentations) by selecting the “RASCAL Training & Presentation” link on the U.S. NRC RAMP website.
You can download the RASCAL installation guide and access RASCAL technical documents including the NUREGs at the “Download RASCAL Technical Documents” navigation link on the U.S. NRC RAMP website.

Non-RAMP members should review the “Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)” link and the “Error (Bug) Reports” forum board for the message. Non-RAMP members have read-only access to the “Error (Bug) Reports” forum board and cannot post new topics.

RAMP members have several tools available to help them troubleshoot and resolve RASCAL error messages and code crashes. RASCAL users experiencing error messages or code crashes should log into the U.S. NRC RAMP website and select the “RASCAL Request Support” navigation link. This link will triage them through the following troubleshooting steps:

  • Select the “Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)” link to review the FAQs for the error message and if not listed then,
  • Select the “RASCAL Forum” link to review the “Error (Bug) Reports” forum board for the error message and if not listed then,
  • Select the “New Topic” button on the “Error (Bug) Reports” forum board to add this error message to the forum. Be sure to include the following information in the “scope of request” section:
    • What version of the RASCAL program is running?
    • What Operating system is being used (i.e. Windows 10.0)?
    • Is the error message reproducible?
    • What are the exact steps leading up to the error?
    • What is the exact symptom (e.g. program crashes, error message number, etc.)?
    • Provide a screenshot of the error message and attach the saved case file if possible.