Environmental Assessment

These are decommissioning codes used in license termination surveys to ensure compliance for release of land and decontamination needs.

CAP 88-PC Version 4.1.1

an image of a nuclear facility with a translucent radiation symbol in front

CAP88-PC (Clean Air Act Assessment Package - 1988) is a computer code for estimating the dose and risk from emissions of radioactive material to the air. Version 4.1.1 is the most current CAP88-PC and is a regulatory compliance tool under the National Emissions Standard for Hazardous Air Pollutants (NESHAPs), Subpart H. The CAP88–PC program is a well-established and validated code for the purpose of making comprehensive dose and risk assessments. The Gaussian plume model used in CAP88–PC to estimate dispersion in air is one of the most used models for dispersion modeling.


Low-Level Waste Disposal
TableCalculator runs in the GoldSim Player, which is available without cost from the GoldSim Technology Group https://www.goldsim.com/Web/Customers/Downloads/Player/ . The player file allows the user to navigate through dashboards to change input values and view calculation results. The tool also allows the user to browse “behind the scenes” to view the equations and parameter the tool uses


Logos for RESRAD-Onsite, RESRAD-Offsite, RESRAD-Build, RESRAD-RDD, and RESRAD-Biota.
The RESRAD family of codes is developed at Argonne National Laboratory to analyze potential human and biota radiation exposures from the environmental contamination of RESidual RADioactive materials. The codes use pathway analysis to evaluate radiation exposure and associated risks, and to derive cleanup criteria or authorized limits for radionuclide concentrations in the contaminated source medium. The RESRAD family of codes is widely used by regulatory agencies, the risk assessment community, and universities in more than 100 countries around the world.

Visual Sample Plan

3D rendering of city from overhead
Visual Sample Plan (VSP) is a tool that helps ensure the right type, quality, and quantity of data are gathered to support confident decisions and provides statistical evaluations of the data with decision recommendations. Developed with support from the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Department of Defense, Department of Homeland Security, the Centers for Disease Control, and the United Kingdom, VSP has more than 5,000 active users. Many statistical sampling designs are available—from random and systematic, to sequential, adaptive cluster, and more. VSP is recommended by many regulators for defensible sampling design and statistical analysis.


Hand holding a plant

The Decontamination and Decommissioning (DandD) software package, developed by NRC, assesses compliance with the dose criteria of 10 CFR Part 20, Subpart E. Specifically, DandD embodies NRC’s guidance on screening dose assessments to allow licensees to perform simple estimates of the annual dose from residual radioactivity in soils and on building surfaces. For a screening assessment with DandD, NRC has predefined conceptual models for the scenarios along with default parameter distributions (based on NUREG/CR–5512, Volumes 1 and 3).


A corn field with power plant in distance
GENII is a documented set of programs for calculating radiation dose and risk from radionuclides released to the environment.


Caution sign

The MILDOS-AREA computer code calculates the radiological dose commitments received by individuals and the general population within an 80-km radius of an operating uranium recovery facility. In addition, air and ground concentrations of radionuclides are estimated for individual locations, as well as for a generalized population grid. Extra-regional population doses resulting from transport of radon and export of agricultural produce are also estimated.