RAMPED UP - April 2021
Oct.-Nov. virtual meeting recap, highlight of team members, plus new partners, Nigeria and Mexico.
The RESRAD family of codes is developed at Argonne National Laboratory to analyze potential human and biota radiation exposures from the environmental contamination of RESidual RADioactive materials. The codes use pathway analysis to evaluate radiation exposure and associated risks, and to derive cleanup criteria or authorized limits for radionuclide concentrations in the contaminated source medium. The RESRAD family of codes is widely used by regulatory agencies, the risk assessment community, and universities in more than 100 countries around the world.
April 2021 User Group Virtual Webinar
Meet with participants from all over the world to discuss code usage and development. Attendees are able to join in open discussions with developers, provide suggestions for code improvements, and learn more about code upgrades or future releases.
Oct.-Nov. 2020 User Group Virtual Webinar
Meeting materials from the Users Group Virtual Webinar held in October and November.