GENII Frequently Asked Questions

GENII is not particularly “user friendly” and can initially be difficult to understand. Please look in the \FRAMES\Documentation directory that is installed with the code and review the “Getting Started with GENII” directions. It is necessary to:
  • Define a scenario of exposure and create the appropriate Conceptual Model diagram in FRAMES
  • Individually enter the appropriate values in each module’s User Interface
  • Run each module
  • Decide how best to view the intermediate and final results.
Some users have reported significant decreases in speed. We have found that Microsoft Endpoint Protection antivirus software scans output files excessively. If you are using this antivirus software, we recommend that you set it to not scan the \FRAMES directory and its subdirectories.
No, GENII users are required to complete a non-disclosure agreement (NDA) for their copy of the software. The NDA states that the user agrees not to share their copy of GENII with any third party without obtaining prior written permission from the NRC.
Many parts of GENII are legacy Fortran coding; Fortran is not adept at handling “strings” of text. In particular, there are limits on the length of filenames – which includes the complete path of the file name. In addition, the current Fortran implementations scan the file names until they end – or until they come to a space. Thus, a location such as c:\Program Files fails because the codes think that they are looking at a file named c:\Program and get lost.
It is likely that you are using a recent operating system, either Windows 8 or Windows 10. Both of these have features that interfere with Visual Basic coding used in the FRAMES and GENII User Interfaces. (Thank you, Microsoft.) We have found that it is necessary to disable the touch screen capabilities of computers running these operating systems while using FRAMES and GENII. The following has been found to resolve the issues:
  • Access the Device Manager: In Windows 10, this is usually found using Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Computer Management > Device manager.
  • Click on Human Interactive Devices
  • Run each module
  • Disable the capabilities for:
    • HID Compliant Touch Screen
    • HID Compliant Pen (if applicable, e.g. for Microsoft Surface computers).

This will allow the VB TreeView control to function normally. The settings may be returned to normal at the completion of a Frames/GENII session

Not as written. However, the user can run GENII on a Mac Windows emulator or virtual machine.
In addition to the limitations on spaces in file names, some of the older GENII executable files are limited to the original DOS file name structure of 8 character names with 3 character suffixes. You should always make sure that the names you assign to GENII cases are 8 characters or fewer.
Some European computers use a different set of defaults than US computers ("," rather than "." for decimal, words other than "True" and "False" for logicals). Check in the computer’s “Control Panel”/”Region and Language” – set to “English (United States)”. Note that many of the intermediate files are written by Visual Basic, which will adapt to the host language – but that the underlying Fortran routines expect the dot “.” as a decimal and “T” or “True” and “F” or “False” (as a minimum) for logical settings. The settings may be returned to normal at the completion of a Frames/GENII session. A "Change Settings" routine provided by some Italian users (in Italian!) is included in the FRAMES directory for resolving these issues if needed. (If you can’t figure out the Italian, use the manual method of going to “Control Panel”/”Region and Language” – set to “English (United States)”…).