RAMPED UP - April 2021
Oct.-Nov. virtual meeting recap, highlight of team members, plus new partners, Nigeria and Mexico.
NRCDose is a user-friendly graphical user interface (GUI) for the LADTAP Il, GASPAR II, and XOQDOQ programs which operate under all Microsoft Windows™ platforms. These Fortran codes implement NRC’s current requirements for As Low As Reasonably Achievable (ALARA) for radioactive effluents from nuclear power plants. NRCDose allows the user to enter and retrieve data through a series of windows dialogs, making the use of the program much more user-friendly and efficient than its original design.
Oct.-Nov. 2020 User Group Virtual Webinar
Meeting materials from the Users Group Virtual Webinar held in October and November.
RAMPED UP - September 2019
Details of October - November 2018 International RAMP Users Meeting, in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada