University Corner

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Student Highlight: An Analysis of Radiation Dosimetry in Hulk

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Students are an important part of the RAMP community! If you are a student interested in using one or more of the RAMP codes, please consider joining RAMP as an official user. Students and university staff have free access to all the RAMP codes and are encouraged to take advantage of this fantastic opportunity to expand their skill sets and broaden curricula with codes that are used in industry. See below for other opportunities for both students and educators! If you are looking for more context on how the RAMP codes are used, please visit our RAMP Library to find lists of publications related to the RAMP codes.

Opportunities for Students

Fall 2024 User Group Meeting

Date & Time

Oct. 21 - Oct. 25, 2024 


Nuclear Regulatory Commission  
11555 Rockville Pike  
Rockville, MD, 20852


Hosts: U.S. NRC - RES


Register - Closes Oct. 11, 2024, at 11:59 p.m., U.S. Eastern Time.

Students are encouraged to participate in the RAMP User Group Meetings. The User Group Meetings are open to all registered RAMP users! Some sessions of the Fall 2024 RAMP User Group Meeting are being held virtually, making it even easier for students to participate from wherever they are located.  Students can take advantage of any of the code training sessions offered at the Users Group Meeting to sharpen their skills or learn new codes to add to their resume.

If you are a student using a RAMP code in your research and would like to participate in a future Student Symposium, please use the Contact page to indicate your interest.

Opportunities for Educators   

NRC RAMP: GENII - by Caitlin Condon, Bruce Napier, Saikat Ghosh - from Pacific Northwest National Laboratory  (PNNL-SA-157265). PNNL is operated by Battelle for the U.S. Department of Energy.

Are you a university educator who would like a RAMP code highlighted in your curriculum? The RAMP team would like to help accommodate your class needs by providing a seminar or guest speaker focused on a RAMP code(s) and an example case relevant to your curriculum. In 2020 and 2021, the RAMP team provided guest lectures virtually on the GENII code and the atmospheric RAMP codes to a variety of classes to support their curriculum. Educators also have access to the code workbooks that have been developed as instructional guides for code beginners; refer to the Workbooks page for more information.

If you are interested in arranging a guest speaker or a seminar for your class on one or more of the RAMP codes, please use the “Contact Us” button to indicate your interest.