In the Technical Document Section the link and file for NUREG-0396_EPA_520_1-78-016 has two .pdf extensions. In the RASCAL Code Section the link and file for MapWinGIS has "(1)" inapproprately in the name. In the Download the RASCAL User Guide Section the description for the "RASCAL Tutorial Problems.docx " does not contain any useful information. The title is a description but the formatting of all the other files around the site leads one to an expectation that there should be some sort of description there.
Edited by: Charles Adams III on 10/16/2015 - 10:11
RASCAL on RAMP Website Errors
Thanks for your recommendations regarding improvements to the RASCAL webpage. Your recommendations are being reviewed and prioritized for updates to the RAMP webpages. We hope to have these changes implemented quickly and we appreciate your feedback. However, in the future please submit all recommendations and suggestions regarding changes to any of the RAMP web pages to RAMP.Resource [at] (RAMP[dot]Resource[at]nrc[dot]gov). This way we can ensure that your suggestions are tracked and prioritized efficiently. Thanks!