Some RASCAL 4.3.1 and 4.3.2 users have experienced this error when running the calculations or processing weather files.
Reason for Error: This error most commonly occurs on computers where RASCAL does not have the proper administrative privileges to write to its folders. This condition may happen when IT staff “harden” the computer or otherwise change security settings.
Error Resolution: Since this error does not have one specific cause, multiple solutions may exist. The following solutions are good starting points to fix the issue:
Ensure that RASCAL has read/write permission to the RASCAL folder and subfolders (default is C:\NRC\RASCAL43).
If a shortcut is used that points to the RASCAL43.exe, right click the shortcut and select properties. Ensure that the "Start In" field contains the path to the RASCAL executable.
Reinstall RASCAL to an alternate location that has read/write privileges. Example locations include C:\Users\Public or another hard drive if available.