Error in mcnp run

Dear PiMAL I followed installation instruction. I ran mcnp input clicking run mcnp. I have an error: error: searched directories C:\cygwin\MCNP_DATA C:\cygwin\MCNP_DATA Expire parameter is data file xsdir does not exist. bad trouble in subroutine ixsdir of imcn data file xsdir does not exist. Would you advise me how to fix this error? executable path is: C:\my_mcnp\MCNP_CODE\bin\mcnp6.exe However, xsdir is in: C:\my_mcnp\MCNP_DATA\xsdir Should I copy xsdir into C:\my_mcnp\MCNP_CODE\bin\?

RAMP Admin  ON Wed, 07/27/2016 - 15:18

This looks like an issue with installing MCNP and a correction to the DATAPATH setting needs to be made. Is the user able to run MCNP from the command line (without PIMAL)? If not, the inquiry needs to be directed to the MCNP team. But searching the MCNP board on how to set DATAPATH= the command path in DOS is what is required. If the user has issues executing from PIMAL (and MCNP command line run is fine), then the user needs to navigate to C:\Users\yoursuderid\.pimal and locate the file The user needs to paste the attached/highlighted command line. This occurs with PIMAL when the user incorrectly installs MCNP. Hopefully that helps!

RAMP Admin  ON Wed, 07/26/2017 - 15:22

In reply to by RAMP Admin

Dear PIMAL, I have run MCNP from MCNP prompt. My environmental variable is like below: ------------------ @ rem ----- MCNP DOS Autorun batch file ----- @ rem ----- This file was created by the MCNP Install script. ----- @ rem ----- to set the DOS Environment Correctly with the DOS CMD Autorun feature. ----- @ rem ----- To uninstall simply delete this file. ----- @ set DATAPATH=C:\my_mcnp\MCNP_DATA @ set MCNPPATH=C:\my_mcnp\MCNP_CODE\bin @ PATH %MCNPPATH%;%PATH% @ set DISPLAY=localhost:0 @ set VISPATH=C:\VIS\ @ PATH %VISPATH%;%datapath%;%PATH% @ C:\vis\visedX_24E.exe -----------------------------------------