What is RAMP?
The purpose of the Radiation Protection Computer Code Analysis and Maintenance Program (RAMP) is to develop, maintain, improve, distribute, and provide training on NRC-sponsored radiation protection and dose assessment computer codes.
RAMP includes user groups of domestic and international code users that share costs, analysis, and experiences to facilitate maintenance and usage of high quality radiation protection codes.
The NRC allows distribution of its Radiation Protection Codes to domestic organizations (utilities, vendors, academic institutions, commercial enterprises) and international organizations located in countries that participate in the RAMP programs.
Goals of RAMP
- To ensure codes are appropriately updated.
- To ensure codes reflect computer programming language updates.
- Updates are in accord with International Regulations and Guidance Documents.
- Codes are updated based on lessons learned from events such as Fukushima.
- Costs are shared among users of the codes.
- Centralized management structure for reporting, prioritizing and resolving code issues.
Research Mission
- Develop technical bases to support regulatory decisions
- Conduct confirmatory and anticipatory research
- Provide specialized technical expertise and tools
- Partner with national labs, commercial contractors, universities, other government agencies, industry organizations, and international organizations
- Issue Commission and congressionally mandated reports
- Manage the Generic Issues Program
International Research
- Strong international cooperation
- 100+ bilateral or multilateral agreements with over 20 countries (12 Agreements for RAMP)
- Cooperative Research Programs
- Shared insights and resources
- Wide range of technical activities, including:
- Fukushima Activities
- Halden Reactor Project
- Advanced Reactor Code Development
- Fire Research